Welcome to the CineSight DVD review page.

After returning my hundredth video tape to the rental store because it had previously been chewed on by someone else's VCR (or dog), I decided something must be done. Either I could quit watching movies, or invest in DVD. Guess which option I chose.

Jump to DVD Reviews: A - D E - H I - L M - P Q - T U - Z

CineSight's Ratings

A Classic. Don't delay - get your copy today.

A Keeper. Consider adding it to your collection.

Average. Probably worth a rental.

Poor. Watch it at someone else's place, if you must.

DVD Reviews

A - D

Adventures of Baron Munchausen, The
Alien:20th Anniversary Edition
Avengers, The
Bean:The Movie
Blade Runner
Bug's Life, A
Castle of Cagliostro, The
Chariots of Fire
Dark City
Das Boot (The Boat)
Dead Again

E - H

Enemy of the State
Fellowship of the Ring, The
Fifth Element, The
Game, The

I - L

Impostors, The
Independence Day:Special Edition
Jackie Chan's First Strike
Jurassic Park
Les Miserables (1998)
Local Hero
Lord Of The Rings (1978)

M - P

Man with Two Brains, The
Matrix, The
Men in Black
Monty Python & the Holy Grail
Much Ado About Nothing
Mummy, The
Muppets From Space
Mystery Men
O Brother, Where Art Thou
Perfect Murder, A
Picnic at Hanging Rock
Poirot:Death in the Clouds
Prince of Egypt, The
Princess Bride, The
Project A

Q - T

Rocketeer, The
Shanghai Noon
Simple Plan, A
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Spanish Prisoner, The
Star Trek:Insurrection
Talented Mr. Ripley, The
Thirteenth Floor, The
Thirteenth Warrior, The
Thomas Crown Affair, The
Time Bandits
Tomorrow Never Dies:Special Edition
Twelve Monkeys

U - Z

Waking Ned Devine
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory
X Files:Fight the Future
Young Frankenstein