Below you'll find links to the home pages of many studios currently churning out the hits (and misses) that we're all waiting in line for. There are also an assortment of other useful, interesting and fun movie sites. Enjoy, but don't forget to check back in with CineSight when you're done.

Studios-The Heavy Hitters

20th Century Fox
Fineline Features
MGM/United Artists
New Line Cinema
Sony (Columbia, Tristar, Triumph)

Indies/Genre Companies

Artisan Entertainment
Dimension Films
Lions Gate Films
October Films
Sony Classics

Movie Listings &
Showtimes (U.S.)

Digital City
Film Frenzy
Moviefone Online

Movie Listings &
Showtimes (International)

Showtimes Worldwide
Japan Showtimes (in Japanese)
United Kingdom Showtimes

Studio Theme Parks/Tours

Universal Studios Escape-Florida
Universal Studios-Hollywood
Universal Studios-Japan
Disney/MGM Studios-Florida
Warner Bros. Studios Tour-Hollywood
Paramount Studios Tour-Hollywood

Theatre Chains

AMC Theatres
Carmike Cinemas
Edwards Cinemas
General Cinemas
National Amusements
Odeon Cineplex
Regal Cinemas/Act III Theatres
Sony Theatres
United Artists Theatres

Other Movie Links

Internet Movie Database (IMDB)
Movie Review Query Engine
The Oscars
Z Review - Poking fun at bad movies!
Kids in Mind (A Parents' Movie Guide)
Glossary of Movie Terms
Search movies by Ratings
Movie Info
Official Star Wars Site
Official Lord of the Rings Site
Unofficial Lord of the Rings Site
E!Online Lord of the Rings Updates
James Bond

If you find a dead or out-dated link, please e-mail us and let us know. Thanks.